BuildMate has an extensive in-house design facility that works on upgradation of technology and incremental changes. Anything new we build is based on proven technologies of AAC Block equipment, making it safe, yet advanced.
Quality assurance here starts with planning and designing of the products and ends only with the trouble-free plant performance in the hands of satisfied customers. Each department adheres to prefixed quality standards resulting in flawless performance.
With these high quality standards, it is obvious that we have the finest level of workmanship, in the manufacturing of customized AAC block equipment. Full-fledged in-house manufacturing facilities enable the company to ensure strict compliance to project requirements and effectively control quality and workmanship, while ensuring timely deliveries. We understand the sophisticated nature of major equipment requires sound diagnosis, dedicated adjustments, skilled maintenance and instructions for sustained and satisfactory performance of plant and equipment.
Our AAC Plant is established in a large area with full-fledged equipment to give the best and quality output.